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Zerotechz computer repair and tech services

Computer Repair Services

Updated on Mar 1, 2015

View more like this | Visit SCOTTSBORO, AL | Contact Zerotechz computer repair and tech services
Image for Zerotechz computer repair and tech services with ID of: 879361
Zerotechz computer repair and tech services

Offering computer tech services and website design in Scottsboro,AL and surrounding areas including repairs and networking, troubleshooting, and much more.
Our Services:
*virus/malware removal
*software/operating system installations
*hardware upgrades/computer builds
*networking/internet issues solutions
*website design/hosting
*pc maintenance
Give us a call for all your computer needs

Zerotechz computer repair and tech services
19587 Alabama Hwy 35 Scottsboro, AL 35768 - Get directions View larger map

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