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Adaptation of Converting Static HTML to WordPress: Significance

Web Design & Advertising

Updated on Jun 26, 2019

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Image for Adaptation of Converting Static HTML to WordPress: Significance with ID of: 3564636
The popularity of WP (WordPress) is immensely increasing. It is evident from the analysis that the business person has started adopting WP for its expressive features. In this article, the characteristics have been discussed that are helpful in migrating HTML site to WordPress for business enhancement. This mechanism is being acknowledged because of its nature of not ruining SEO ranking, design and the content as well. There is an ease of maintenance process in websites, development in novel pages and even with social connection development.

Though the HTML transition in WP is a provocation yet it is significant for delivering the website for easy management. The usage of HTML only lets to attain the front end and the editing is not probable at all. So, when the user demands to convert HTML to WP, a user can update the content and there is an authorization of CMS backend.

Several options are there for HTML switching to WP. The adaptability of the option is wholly dependent on the user requirements, viz., money, time, personal and professional preferences. So, beneath the options available are mentioned:

1. Switching Manually

This is the foremost and technical one. If the preference is given to this option, then the user should have the actual code and consider this as the point for the establishment of the WP theme. For the coder, this is not a complex option with a little CSS, PHP, and HTML expertise.

2. Utilization of WordPress Child Theme

As per the analysis, it has been noticed that this option is one of the reasonable and easy ones through money and effort. A user might use the ready-made WP theme then of the current site as “jumping off point”. Then, only the design adjustment part is left to make it look like the existing website.

This choice is beneficial and it lets to take full benefit of WP and though, do not change the existing website glance.

3. Content Importing Process

When the user has a requirement of changing the website design, then this point is very beneficial, quick and easier. There would be a need for site set up, theme installation and HTML content importing process.

The main question being asked is whether Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is beneficial or not while the conversion process of HTML to WordPress. The observation says “Yes”. WP has maintained a reputation for developing a better SEO as a Content Management System (CMS). There is no accordance that WP websites are building better ranking on Google. It is basically because of its built-in characteristics that develops it easy for site customization, generally for authors or businessmen with minimal technical expertise and makes it SEO friendly.

The characteristics lets the search engine crawlers to crawl the website and collecting the appropriate information from the pages and posts. It assists the search engine to add some precise website in the database. WP provides numerous security characteristics and even support the user in optimization by following the SEO .

Final Words:

In the development of websites, the main objective is Ranking that could be achieved by SEO instructions. It is even helpful in achieving great ranking in search engines which is considered as the main objective for developing business websites. Varied eminent plugins are there that are advantageous for making WP more SEO friendly.
Author Bio:
Jason Daszkewicz is a Sr. WordPress Developer at WordSuccor Ltd, a leading company that convert psd to wordpress theme in a favorable manner. He loves to keep abreast of the latest technologies and tools in the corporate market. Connect with him on Twitter and Facebook
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