Importance Of Values In Human BeingsEducational ResearchUpdated on Oct 11, 2023 View more like this | Visit SAN JOSE, CA | Contact Satjit Kumar |
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The importance of values in human beings can never be overstated. It is only when people adhere to human values that there is going to be harmony in families, organizations, relationships, society, and the world. There is no single, standard definition for the term values. We find that some value systems vary between different regions. The values acceptable in one zone might be inappropriate for the culture of another location. Yet, many values have universal acceptance. Behaviors such as honesty, humility, integrity, and compassion are universally recognized as significant human values. Here, we need to highlight that the values that develop in an individual are dependent on the atmosphere in which they spent their childhood. Hence, parents, teachers, and elders play a crucial role in ensuring that the child grows up into a person who gives priority to values. In the Indian sub-continent, the Hindus call the values common to all as samanya dharma. As we now possess a basic understanding of values, let us focus on points that underline why values are necessary for human beings. Importance of values for human life These are a few salient aspects of the significance of values for human life. • When a person has the right human values, they will not be hassled in having the correct perception of the things pivotal for them. • It’s only if an individual has the ideal value system that they would be in a position to differentiate between the good and the bad. From a broader perspective, this aspect is essential for establishing peace in the world. • Human beings frequently face circumstances where they are necessitated to arrive at the most suitable decisions, and that too without losing much time. This can be a familial, social, or professional setup. In this context, having an appropriate value system helps people; avoiding wrong decisions becomes simpler. • People who are incessantly guided by their values can maintain cordial relationships with their family, friends, colleagues, and society as a whole. • The presence of values in people is a definite way to make sure that there is not going to be any lack of coordination among individuals. This coordination is required to address several issues that are unavoidable in life. • A person who is thoroughly committed to their cherished values becomes a useful member of their family and society. They do not hesitate to help and guide fellow human beings in whatever way they can. Here, let’s take an example of an individual for whom compassion and justice are among the core human values. They stand by people who were at the receiving end of the wrong deeds of someone else. • Even when we consider a business organization, the relevance of values cannot be discounted. If both the top management and employees stick to the correct value system, there shall be no hassles in long- term growth of the business. Managers and staff can work in cooperation, in an amicable environment. • Human values make certain that the psychological health of a person always remains intact. People with good values are not hindered from experiencing a sense of being connected with others. And, this feeling of oneness leads to contentment and happiness, which keeps the mind relaxed. Some people follow the values preached by their religion like samanya dharma among Hindu diaspora, while others develop their value systems based on experiences. But, whatever the basis, these values positively contribute to various areas of human existence. is a website that publishes information on a variety of topics including sanathana dharma which focuses on those duties common to all human beings. Overall, the hindu dharma serves well in the right traits including self-discipline, self-control, cultivating wisdom, and common ethics. Living Smartly also has published practical health articles like tomato and spinach side effects and diabetic diet plan for South Indians. Further, it provides smart tips & insights that covers all aspects of daily living such as health, philosophy, social skills, technology and wellness.