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What Kind Of Jobs Are Available In Digital Marketing?

Online Education

Updated on Feb 7, 2017

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Digital marketing is the general term for how products or services are promoted using digital technologies, predominantly on the internet, but also on mobile phones and other digital mediums. There are many online marketplaces and social media platforms used for this purpose, and it has fast become one of the most important aspects of marketing campaigns for many organisations.

If you are seeking a career in digital marketing, then a good working knowledge of the internet is a must, coupled with the ability to think creatively. Educational qualifications aren’t always necessary, although a keenness to learn more about technology and business management would certainly be looked favorably upon.

What kind of jobs are there in digital marketing?

Web Content Manager
This role requires the individual to oversee all aspects of the content posted on an organisations website, such as the text, graphics and videos. There are no specific requirements for a career as a web content manager, but if you have some experience in journalism, marketing or IT, then you may well be at an advantage. If you have no experience in writing online content for companies, then you could easily gain it from setting up a blog or by writing some posts on social media.

Knowledge of web design, desktop publishing and photo editing will certainly be useful, but you could take a course in digital marketing to help give you the skills that you might need as a web content manager.

Social Media Manager:
A social media manager is usually responsible for all marketing related campaigns that are run via social media sites. The role will include research and graphic design (a lot will depend on how skilled the individual is with this), and successful applicants will usually have a good understanding of SEO and content marketing, too.

Social Media Strategist:
Whoever takes on this role will need to study what’s trending on social media and using the results, go on to plan online campaigns alongside the social media manager. The two roles are closely connected, and this may be when your people skills will also be put to the test!

Social Advertising Executive:
To be a successful social advertising executive, you will need to have good organisational skills to plan promotional events, lots of creative passion to come up with campaign ideas, and excellent communication and sales skills. Your role will be to help maximize the company’s advertising campaigns on social media platforms, and you will need to be able to connect well with customers and conduct effective market research.

Search Engine Marketing Executive:
This position is all about SEO, or search engine optimization. Keeping on top of online trends is vital to this role, and your main objective will be to ensure that a brand, product or service ranks as highly as it can in the major search engine results.

Online Sales Executive:
An online sales executive is the key point of contact between an organisation and its customer base, and the role will include answering queries, giving advice and demonstrating and presenting products. Other duties may involve, organising sales visits, maintaining a sound database and accurate records, reviewing sales performance and even negotiating contracts and packages.

Online Community Manager:
An online community manager takes full responsibility for the building and maintaining of an online community of customers on social media platforms, or websites related to the brand, product or service. This role has been existence for a long time, but has evolved in recent years to include a wide variety of responsibilities and expertise in social media management, marketing, PR and customer support.

So, if you think you’ve got what it takes to enjoy a successful career in digital marketing,why not contact a company who can either set you up with an online course to further your skills, or find you a job to match your existing skills? The future is digital, and you could be a part of it! is an initiative to educate Indian students on digital marketing career growth. Whether you want to know what is digital marketing or looking for a comprehensive guide on digital marketing course, career, jobs, etc., this website is a must visit.
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