Payment Methods • Mastercard • Visa • Amex • Discover • Diners Club • Check
Cost This restaurant's average entree cost is Moderate
Restaurant Description The Ramos family along with their professional and courteous employees, would like to welcome you to Don Jose's Restaurants. The first Don Jose's was established in Homer by the Ramoses in 1982. The Casa Ramos and Don Jose's are a family style business and we take pride in our personal and hospitable service. We also care about the quality of food served to you, as if you were guests at our homes. We are proud to be part of your community and we hope to make your evening with us enjoyable and comfortable.
Best Known For... Great service, quality, & freshness.
Service Type Sit Down Carry Out
Special Needs Senior Discount Non Smoking Area Booster/High Chairs Wheelchair Access Children's Menu
Atmosphere Outdoor Dining Family / Children Bar Scene
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