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South Coast Counseling

Health Care Providers

Updated on Sep 22, 2018

View more like this | Visit COSTA MESA, CA | Contact South Coast Counseling
Image for South Coast Counseling with ID of: 2823100
Address: 693 Plumer Street, Costa Mesa, California, 92627, USA
Phone: (866) 230-8289

Business Email: [email protected]

About the Business:
Addiction is a serious condition whose effects can ripple out and negatively impact every aspect of our lives. Whether the drug of choice is alcohol, opioids, or the abuse of prescription medications, coming to terms with the existence of the problem can be very difficult. The prospect of summoning up the courage to seek out an answer, to ask for help, can be even more daunting. However, please know that addiction is a disease, and you should not feel ashamed to reach out.
South Coast Counseling is fully accredited by The Joint Commission, the nation’s oldest and largest standards-setting and accrediting body in healthcare. This accreditation is the highest level possible for an addiction treatment center and reflects the rigorous standards of clinical excellence and comprehensive facilities necessary to achieve the accreditation.

Categories: Health
Keywords: drug rehab California, addiction treatment Orange County, Orange County drug rehabs
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